The official webpage of the SP 18 knowledge contest.








1. Which famous British band made a concert to commemorate the fall of the Berlin wall in 1990?


2. What are the origins of the name Winnie the Pooh?


3. Which book was the inspiration for the movie Apocalypse Now? Who wrote it?


4. Who wrote Lord of the Rings? How many languages did he speak?


5. What are the origins of the name Hollywood?


6. What are the Grammy Awards? When were they given for the first time?


7. Where was Hip Hop originated? When?


8. What’s the name of the famous Agatha Christie book which was dramatised in 2017?


9. Who has got the Nobel Prize in literature in 2018?


10. What’s the address of Harry Potter studio?








1.    The most famous British female politician? What was her position in the British parliament?

2.    The actor who played Harry Potter? How old was he during making Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone?

3.    Which famous American led the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama?

4.    Who was the first American astronaut to orbit the planet Earth?

5.    One man is accepted as being the father of the American automobile industry; which one?

    a) Pierre Chevrolet,
    b) Harley Davidson,
    c) Henry Ford

6.    Write names of all members if the boys-band One Direction.

7.    This woman is known as the "the first lady of civil rights." What is her  name?

8.     Hugh Grant, in 'Love Actually', says 'Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about...'

   a)    '...the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport.'
   b)    '...the queue at my local post office.'
   c)    '...the home supporters' stand at Brentford Football Club.'

9.    What’s the name of an actor who played in the movie Matrix? When was it made?

10.  What’s the name of famous Australian actor who played one of the Avengers in Infinity War? How old is he?









1. Which mountain is the highest in the USA? Write both names of the mountain. In which year the name was changed?


2. Name the capital cities of the following Canadian provinces: New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Manitoba.


3. What is the biggest lake in the UK and in which of the constituent countries is it located?


4. Mount Logan is the highest mountain of which country? How tall is it (both: in meters and in feet)?


5. What is the name of the lowest land in the UK? In which county (not country!) is it located?


6. How many main islands are there in New Zealand? Name them.


7. What is the name of the longest river in Australia? This river makes the border between two Australian states. Name them.


8. Which American state is the smallest in area? Name the capital city of this state.


9. Name an Australian animal, which is the only mammal that lays eggs. Translate the name into Polish.


10. Who really discovered America? Who (the name of tribes) was there before Christopher Colombus?






1. Denali, Mount McKinley. In 2015. (3p)


2. Fredericton, Charlottetown, Halifax, Winnipeg (2p) – 4 x 0,5p


3. Lough Neagh - in Northern Ireland (2p)


4. Canada. 5,966 m / 19,551 feet (3p)


5. Holme Fen. In Cambridgeshire (2p)


6. Two. North Island and South Island. (2p)


7. Murray. New South Wales and Victoria (2p)


8. Rhode Island. Providence. (2p)


9. Platypus (duck-billed platypus) czyli dziobak ;) (2p)


10. There are different theories . Most of them suggest that Viking tribes were the first in America.(1p)



KONKURS INTERNETOWY 2019 – zestaw pierwszy – SPORT




  1. Which English football team has won the highest number of Premier League titles in history?

  2. How many teams take part in the English Premier League? Write two names of the current top six teams.

  3. How many times has Andy Murray won the Grand Slam tournament?

  4. How many gold medals has Dina Asher-Smith won in the 2018 European Athletics Championship? Which distances did she win?

  5. Which country is the current winner of the Rugby World Cup?

  6. Which sports event is the most popular in the USA? Which team is the current winner?

  7. Who has recently earned the perfect ’10’ score for the gymnastics floor routine in the UCLA competition?

  8. Hockey is the most popular sport in Canada. How many Canadian teams take part in the NHL? What’s the name of the most successful Polish player in the NHL history?

  9. Who is the best known snooker player from Australia (currently living in the UK)?

  10. How many holes are there on the standard golf court?




  1. Manchester United – 1p.

  2. Twenty teams – 1p. 1. Manchester City 2. Liverpool FC 3. Tottenham Hotspur 4. Manchester United 5. Arsenal FC 6. Chelsea FC + 2p

  3. Three times – 1p.

  4. Two medals. 100m and 200m run. – 2p.

  5. New Zealand – 1p.

  6. Super Bowl. New England Patriots. – 2p.

  7. Katelyn Ohashi – 1p.

  8. Seven teams. Mariusz Czerkawski 2p.

  9. Neil Robertson – 1p.

  10. Eighteen holes – 1p.



Regulamin konkursu internetowego 2019:



  1. Konkurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów klas 6, 7 i 8.

  2. Zadania będą dotyczyły wyszukiwania informacji z różnych dziedzin związanych z takimi krajami jak : Zjednoczone Królestwo, USA, Kanada, Australia, Nowa Zelandia.

  3. Od 1 marca 2019 roku w kolejne piątki na stronie :


będą się ukazywały zestawy pytań quizowych zgrupowanych tematycznie:


np. Sport, Culture, Geography, Customs (Everyday life) etc.


  1. Uczniowie będą mieli czas do najbliższego wtorku (w kolejnych tygodniach do godz.12.00) na przysłanie odpowiedzi. Będzie oceniana poprawność odpowiedzi oraz szybkość nadesłania (premia za każdy dzień przed wtorkiem)


  • Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź PO ANGIELSKU przyznawany jest jeden punkt. Za szybkie przesłanie odpowiedzi - czyli od pojawienia się pytań


do soboty do godz. 24.00 można dostać dodatkowe 5pkt.


Będą również przyznawane dodatkowe 2 punkty za poprawność gramatyczną odpowiedzi.


  • Odpowiedzi należy wysyłać na adres e-mail:


  1. Razem z kolejną porcją pytań pojawią się poprawne odpowiedzi


do poprzedniego zadania.


  1. Po zakończeniu - nagrodzone zostaną 3 osoby, które uzyskały największą ilość punktów. Za regularne uczestnictwo będą przyznawane punkty z zachowania. Osoby, które wezmą udział we wszystkich czterech częściach i uzyskają bardzo dobry wynik, otrzymają ocenę - 6 wagi 2, a laureaci – 6 wagi 3.



Masz jakieś pytania lub wątpliwości - zgłoś się do Magdaleny Rudnickiej (sala 103A) lub Dominika Karczmara (sala 109A). Zapraszamy!